中之条ビエンナーレ 2023
コスモグラフィア -見えない土地を辿る-
Cosmographia -Tracing the Invisible Land-
2023年9月9日(土)− 10月9日(月)
旧五反田小学校/ 中之条町/ 群馬
2023.9.9. sat. - 10.9 mon.
Former Gotanda school, Nakanojo town, Gunma, Japan
中之条ビエンナーレは、群馬県中之条町で隔年開催される国際現代芸術祭です。 雄大な山々に囲まれた風景やラムサール条約湿原、長い歴史を持つ温泉郷、養蚕天蚕文化、伝統が受け継がれる民俗行事や祭事など、中之条町には他では見られない美しい里山文化に触れることが出来ます。アーティストは特色ある山村地域に開かれたアーティスト・イン・レジデンスで滞在制作を行い、その成果を中之条ビエンナーレで発表します。 この度、第9回をむかえる中之条ビエンナーレ2023では、国内外から創造的、革新的なアイデアやプロジェクトをもつ多分野のアーティストが作品を展示します。
The Nakanojo Biennale is an international contemporary art festival held every two years in Nakanojo Town, Gunma Prefecture. Surrounded by magnificent mountain scenery, Ramsar wetlands, hot spring villages with deep histories, sericulture, festivals, and traditional folk events, Nakanojo Town offers visitors the unique opportunity to experience beautiful satoyama culture that cannot be found anywhere else. Artists stay and work in this unique mountain village community and present their creations during the Nakanojo Biennale.
Artists live and create on this land and make their own platforms, many new human connections will be born. A big art event with creations by artists and local residents, “The 9th Nakanojo Biennale” will begin soon.
叙景 In view of our life
Mulberry I got in Nakanojo Town
In the past, the sericulture industry was active in Nakanojo town.
There used to be many mulberry fields. The mulberry trees in the town remind us of the past.
First, I started cutting and collecting the mulberry trees growing in the Kuni Akaiwa area. Next, I harvested the bark.
I pounded it with stones, then assembled and spread out.
The world in which people live continues to be built, interweaving with time and environment.
I trace the process of our lives using the mulberry trees in this area.